How to Achieve Success through Indoor Digital Signage? 3 Best Experts Tips

After the introduction of indoor digital signage, the market for every possible business has been rapidly increasing and takes a positive impact in the future. If you are looking for the best platform to advertise, effectively reach your customers or enhance your customer experience, digital signage solutions perform the required advertising needs for your business. It comes with free digital signage software that supports all screen sizes and gives you the privilege of instilling your digital content like never before.

The trend of indoor digital signage has been showing an inclined graph since its inception. Not many companies were able to apply digital trends in their business promotion previously. But now almost all companies prefer indoor digital signage because they consider brand promotion is more important while trying to sell a product or service. A recent statistical survey says that more than 40% of shoppers get impressed with digital displays and change their minds at the time of purchase i.e. preferences get changed after they see the digital signage board.

The effect of social media has also taken its turn in changing the purchase decisions of 44% of customers. Almost 8 out of 10 customers enter the store because of seeing the digital display boards. In a study conducted in 2010 by Arbitron, Americans fall in love with these digital signs and it reaches a huge crowd.

They remember such digital content more than the advertisements shown through other digital sources. Finally, 72% of the population vote Yes for indoor digital signage because of the positivity and interest it creates in the consumer’s mind and also changes their buying decision profitably. You look at consumer behavior and consumers look at your brand performance and quality.

Benefits of indoor digital signage

Indoor digital signage advertising is a part of your everyday business needs. It offers proven benefits to your business by leaving a remarkable footprint in enhanced customer engagement. It also focuses on improved and easy-to-use technology, reduces the pricing aspect and brings cutting edge functionality to the workplace and consumer behavior.

1. Left with no option:

Some businesses may not have the feasibility of displaying outdoor digital advertising because some companies in different geographies may not allow outdoor digital displays as their rules may not allow that. In such instances, indoor digital signage advertising only helps. In case you have a shop in a big massive mall, keeping indoor digital boards attract customers and can generate immediate leads as well.

2. Benefits to customers and businesses:

Indoor digital signage brings a range of business encouraging benefits.

For businesses

  • The time-spending rate of customers goes up to 30% in stores
  • During checkouts, the wait time of customers is reduced by 35% with attractive digital boards
  • The sales volume takes a 31.8% increase and the average purchase amount increases by 29.5%

For customers

  • Indoor digital signage allows customers to browse digital catalogs and purchase without waiting for a salesperson to guide
  • If it is fast food or restaurant digital menus help in reducing queues
  • Displays that have touchscreen provide intuitive, gesture-controlled maps that get users with apt navigation of where they are going

3. It is damn cost-effective:

The price of indoor digital signage is falling because of new manufacturers and enterprises proceeding with flooding the market and creating high-quality screens more accessible than ever. The introduction of new technology also reduces the price of previously-introduced models or products.

4. Smarter technology:

With amazing and heart-melt content, you can change your advertising pattern according to seasons and scenarios and display for your customers.

With the integration of Artificial Intelligence and face recognition cameras, digital signage technology can identify customers and slideshow the most relevant content as per their age and purchasing history.

The provision of analytics functionality allows you to track people’s behavior in engaging with your digital signage, helping you increase the effectiveness of your content. But you have to understand that a lot of these features work well as per compatibility with the media player and software you are using.

3 successful tips for indoor digital signage

Every business wants to stay on top of technology such as digital signage. Though understanding the end to end concept of digital signage, it is also important to understand how well it works with your business. There are certain factors that you should consider when deploying digital signage into your business–maximizing space, branding and messaging.

1. Maximizing space:

This factor should be considered by retailers to get the most out of indoor digital signage. If they use it well, it helps in maximizing revenue gradually within a few months of implementation. But before incorporating, you should ask few questions to yourselves—where do your customers like to go or which section they prefer to walk, will customers see the display and which part of the place in the store will be distracting.

It is also beneficial if retailers use IoT tools, such as sensors, to maximize digital signage space because sensors can easily identify customer behavior towards a brand and how retailers get a firm grip on how customers walk throughout the store.

2. Branding:

Branding improves the image of your business and develops a strong relationship with customers. Now the visibility of physical displays has been going down with indoor digital signage coming up is overwhelming in the market. For example, poor content displayed using digital signage in any area scores high than a physical display with the same poor content, in a big mall. To make digital signage work well with your brand, you should answer for yourself the following questions:

  • How well can you describe your brand?
  • How should your display appear to fit with your brand?
  • How effective and what, should your content look like?
  • What methods do you use to a digital signage display to promote your brand?

3. Messaging:

The foremost need of digital signage is the content. Users, who fail in choosing effective hardware and software, also fail to understand the importance and necessity of eye-catchy content development. Good content should begin with simple but prompt questions such as who is your target audience, what kind of content resonates with your audience, how to develop catchy content and who takes the responsibility of content development.

Content is termed to be the best only when it is well managed, updated and active online. Only such content connects well with your audience and pushes them into action. If you can prepare good messaging and branding with an appropriate location, you can create successful indoor digital signage.


Indoor digital signage is the current trend and the future of advertising and brand promotion. Staying in line with the trending technology grows your business and brand together leaving a positive impression among your customers. Displaying the right content will be the first step for achieving successful brand promotion. Keep your digital signage content lively so that your customers find it interesting every time they see any content display on the signage when they visit your place. Understanding your consumer behavior helps you plan the indoor digital signage for your business and generate a healthy consumer database for pitching in any further products or services.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the difference between traditional signage and modern-day indoor digital signage?

Traditional signage known as static and digital signage known as dynamic, when compared with static signage, handling dynamic signage is quite simple and it allows you to update at any time with any content. Dynamic signage gives you more attraction and cost-effectiveness when compared with traditional static signage.

2. Whether digital signage is good for my business growth?

If you are involved in a business that requires frequent promotion and publicity, then your content also needs to be changed according to your digital marketing strategy. In such cases, opting for digital signage is splendidly beneficial to take upon. Digital signage is an excellent platform for educating your customers about your brand, product or service, at the same time, conveying important information through creating memorable content that leaves an impression of your brand on their minds.

3. What kind of content can I use for successful digital signage?

With the aid of digital signage, you are able to portray texts, images, graphic pictures, feeds, and so on which you feel essential to attract your audience. Have your ideas ready or if you have a good content creator who has good creative and presentation skills, create your content or approach the best digital signage company for creating content spots to use your assets. Digital Signage will help you showcase informative content or images in a better way. You can utilize this digital signage as a reminder, sending information to employees, to display customer testimonials/reports, and so.

4. Does digital signage Support scalability?

Of course, digital signage solutions are scalable and support your business growth extensively. You can set your business goals and make use of digital signage to meet your business needs and advertising expectations. Indoor digital signage blends with changing technology and helps by providing extra-ordinary options. With one single design, you can create multiple framework sizes of your content in various sizes of digital display boards. This, in turn, saves cost on your brand promotion as well.